The Proof: Techniques for Proofreading

by Jenny Madison | June 11, 2015

ProofingThis is the Creative Services blog series, The Proof, where we’ll share writing tips for lawyers.

Each time your firm releases a blog, a marketing e-mail, or even a post on social media, you have an opportunity to make a great impression. There is one sure way to do that every time: proofread!

Not just for word nerds

Yep, it’s that simple. You don’t have to be a writer or a grammar geek to do this. You just need a fresh pair of eyes and enough basic grammar knowledge to at least ask the question, “Is this right?” At cj Advertising, all of our content goes through a thorough proofing process. You should be doing the same with your own writing.

Here are great proofing tips that you can use for your everyday communication:

  1. Always proof a hard copy of your work. Not engaging with a computer monitor allows your eyes to rest and shifts your perspective.
  2. Read your work out loud.
  3. Read it backwards.
  4. Take your time. Don’t be in a hurry to publish your work.
  5. Let someone else proof your work. This is mandatory at cj.
  6. Check out online resources like Grammar Girl, Grammarist, or Purdue Owl if you need reminders about the rules of grammar.

Even pros have to proof!

As full-time copywriters, what we know for sure is that if you don’t have a good proofing process, you are guaranteed to make mistakes. If your firm doesn’t have a proofing process in place for the content you generate, the results will surely be sloppy, ineffective communication. Ain’t nobody got time for that! (Yes, we proofed that sentence, too.)

Stay tuned for part two of our series where we’ll discuss the most common writing mistakes that law firms make! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Jenny Madison at