With only a few weeks to go before your journey to Nashville for cj Conference 2009, it is a great time to reflect on the successes and opportunities that have resulted from past conferences. The event has certainly become larger and more impactful than most anyone ever imagined. Friendships have been formed, ideas have been launched, and expectations continue to rise. Many of you have taken huge strides toward success via the several concepts that started as conference themes and have now found their way into your firm’s culture.
Strong Branding, the theme from 2006, is now what all our firms strive to achieve in their markets.
- Integrated Customer Service, from 2007, is now the way our firms rate and describe how their staff interacts with clients.
- The theme from 2008, Connecting the Dots, was how we introduced the concept of developing a strategic plan. Many of you are finding the power of having a plan to drive the success of your firm.
This year’s theme, Leadership from 30,000 Feet, might just be the most influential of all. An outstanding agenda will feature Cameron Herold as Keynote Speaker. Cameron is the founder of BackPocket COO and the former COO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? He has what he refers to as a “unique ability to lead and energize people,” which helps entrepreneurs make their dreams come true.
Cameron correctly self describes his keynote addresses as “drinking from a fire hose.” His anecdotes are both entertaining and thought provoking. Cameron will blow your mind, make you angry, draw your critique, and most likely make you scoff at some of his theories. Just keep in mind, most innovations are first rejected and scoffed at before being readily accepted and incorporated into our everyday lives. Remember the old “earth is flat” theory?
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Most innovations are first rejected and scoffed at before being readily accepted.