Top Intake Services Other Firms are Using

by Renee Brank | April 6, 2021

We had an impressive virtual cj Intake Roundtable last week! All 23 firms were present, engaged, and ready to share what’s working and what’s not working. It became clear during our meeting that those attending were most interested in reliable services for remote sign-ups, chat, and after hours. 

Here were the top programs discussed for each:

Remote Sign-Up Services

Throughout the pandemic, having a way to sign cases remotely was crucial to helping your business survive and thrive. But going forward, remote sign-ups could very well be key to getting a potential client to stop shopping and sign up long after the pandemic is a deterrent. Here are the most talked about services from the roundtable attendees. 

Web Chat Services

Every firm should be doing chats. As generations change, you need to make sure that you have this service nailed down. We recommend that you do them in-house if you have the team to handle them. But if you don’t, check with your after-hours answering service to see if they can handle your chats. For handling in-house, here are four services that are popular with our roundtable attendees: 

After-Hours Answering Services

Many firms are hesitant to spend money on after-hours services. But while most firms do not have many catastrophic calls coming through after hours, the ones that do come through are typically really big cases.

You spend a lot of marketing dollars to get those phones to ring. If you do not have an in-house team staffed to handle these after-hours leads, use one of these answering services recommended at the roundtable:

Your cj Team Is Here to Help

One thing that is so unique about being a cj client is the sharing. As a perk, we host monthly virtual roundtables and provide email distribution lists to help PI firms connect with others in the field. You can bring your questions to the table, and you can pretty much guarantee another cj family member will have an answer (or vice versa).

So far this year, we’ve hosted marketing, COO, and intake roundtables. And we look forward to hosting and facilitating more great conversations amongst firms in the cj family!

Not a cj client? Contact us at today to learn more about our services and how we can help your firm grow.