You know that inner struggle you have when you see a tempting dessert, but your diet (or spouse) says you shouldn’t have it?
Well, after you watch our new commercial “Candidates,” the angel on your right shoulder and the devil on your left are about to play ping pong with your better judgment.
But here’s the kicker. In this instance, we at cj will be playing the part of the good angel, cautioning you to be careful before airing our own spot. No, we’re not off our meds. We’re just trying to look out for your brand. That’s right. We made it; we love it; and now, we’re telling you… mmmmmaybe… not to buy it.
Strange pitch? Yes, but these are strange times. To further explain, let me give you the backstory.
Before arriving at cj Advertising, Sr. Multi Media Specialist Nekos Barnes made all kinds of political ads—including the mean, “attacky” kind. Though he’s fully immersed in his lawyer advertising gig now, Nekos still keeps his creative thumb on the pulse of politics. A few months ago, the unusually low favorability ratings of both presidential candidates (you know their names) gave Nekos an idea. He proposed that we make a lawyer commercial that compares the candidates’ well known character flaws to the common complaints accident victims have with insurance companies.
Nekos collaborated with several folks in Creative Services and executed the concept beautifully—several weeks ago. But “way back then,” the tenor of the campaign was different. It was fun and fashionable to pile on the un-likability of the candidates. Now? Not so much. In fact, we recently screened “Candidates” to a few clients. They loved it but felt the window of public opinion had closed in a way that would not allow them to buy it.
We can’t argue with that. With Election Day fast approaching, the campaigns have turned nasty, and voters are deeply divided along party lines. Even though “Candidates” takes a clever jab at both sides of the political spectrum, people don’t want you to make fun of THEIR candidate. As such, we’re presenting the new spot to you branded with the place-holder graphics of cj’s fictional firm Howell & Harwood (We don’t want to accidentally piss off any politically minded viewers at the expense of someone’s brand).
Why are we showing it at all? Because we still think it might be an attention-getter for the right law firm. As the tactics of one of the candidates would imply, any publicity is good publicity. Please, take a look, and if you don’t think it’s too radioactive for your market, take a bite. We won’t stop you. We just want to remind you that just like that devilish dessert, you “probably shouldn’t.”
Hope you like the spot. You’ve been warned.